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Daylight saving time starts soon in 2024: Here’s when it ends

The annual shift to Daylight Saving Time (DST) is approaching in 2024! This period brings longer daylight hours in the evenings, offering more opportunities for outdoor activities and enjoyment. Here’s a quick guide to when DST begins and ends in 2024, helping you plan your schedule and adjust your clocks accordingly. This tradition, designed to maximize daylight during the warmer months, will soon see us setting our clocks forward by one hour.
This tradition, designed to maximize daylight during the warmer months, will soon see us setting our clocks forward by one hour. In states where Daylight Saving Time is observed, residents will advance their clocks by one hour, a practice often called “springing forward,” leading to the loss of an hour of sleep. Here’s everything you need to know about this annual tradition and the significance behind it.
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Daylight Saving Time typically occurs between March and November. This year, it will commence on March 2nd and continue until November. When Daylight Saving Time concludes, clocks are set back one hour to return to standard time.
On November 3rd, clocks are adjusted backward. Daylight Saving Time concludes annually on the first Sunday of November. This year too it will follow the same schedule. However It’s important to note that DST dates may vary, so it’s advisable to confirm the schedule for every year beforehand.
Most of Europe and North America: This region observes DST during their summer season.
Parts of Africa and Asia: Some areas in these continents also follow DST, but it aligns with their northern hemisphere summer.
Parts of South America and Oceania: Similar to the above, specific regions in these continents adopt DST during their southern hemisphere summer.
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In the 1700s, Benjamin Franklin sarcastically suggested altering waking times in order to convey the concept. But it wasn’t until later that it was formally adopted. It was originally used by the United States in 1918 for a period of seven months as a wartime tactic to save energy supplies. The initial objective was to better synchronize daylight with periods when people are awake and engaged in order to minimize energy consumption. It also has some economic benefits. Some industries, like tourism and recreation, claim a boost during these extended periods.
